54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

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I dunno



For the love of


They said they had off topic for a reason!

They did tbh


Don’t make me use these, cat.


You wouldn’t dare!

Let me just start this debate off now that we’re back here.
Light theme is the best.
I shall never join darkness

You wouldn’t, huh?

You should know how determined I am by now Nerbins!

You already betrayed one thing, Ryan, and if you don’t want that secret getting through to Kitten, you might wanna join my side.


Wait, wait, wait.
You’re on the side of darkness?
I thought you was on the side of light?

Check the original war thread again.

The betrayal thing is a misunderstanding.
I understand what he meant though

It’s not a misunderstanding.
You never betrayed me.

I’m just a light theme agent.
We should accept our differences.
You guys are edgy, thinking in a deluded way.
But we’re followers of the pure, bright future.

You are a traitor to the light theme!

Not trying to recruit

Dark theme best theme :wink:

Wait… Fire?!
Do not try and persuade me to join you.
Fire and Captain, are you both dark theme?
I need backup…