54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

So 5 would be 3. Since 2.5 rounds up to 3

So 25 = 13 majority, and 24 = 12 majority?


Idk math is confusing

I believe that’s correct.

25 is definitely right but 24 might be 13 also idk

There are just so much accepted ways of calculating majority with odd numbers it gets confusing.

Odd is ez imo. Even is the weird one

Just ignore majority and look if town has still a chance to win, tbh

But for lynches that dont work

I was talking about how many players are needed to hammer. :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah, looking if town has a chance to win is fair when ending game.

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Oops this majority ^^

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8 players, maj is 5
9 players, maj is 5

How is majority 5 with 8 players?

Because that’s more than half

because if it were 4, thats only half the players.

Ok so its 1/2 and add 1 for even. And add 1/2 for odds

Majority for lynch is (Players alive/2, rounded down)+1
at least in tol/fol

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I see. So my method was semi-right.

Who would be willing to join (probably a month or so from now)