54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

does swear warning

It’s steblue?
I thought it was regblue


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This is exactly why democracy works perfectly

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I mean, it’s a product of a company; it’s not a state, but uh I guess you have a point

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Solblue @solic

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I’m always BD confirmed.

I always use solblue for this reason

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the company allows us to govern ourselves pretty much

oh my god the amount of references I can make to this is amazing

yee - solblue
yee - steblue
yee - regblue

You used steblue in CoC though.

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yee - solblue
yee - steblue
yee - regblue
yee - lighblue

uuuuh guys
I have bad news

Timmy is stuck in a well?

Liesss and slander.

solblue: image
steblue: image
regblue: image
lighblue: image

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How is thatbad

regblue is a well-trusted traitor

it deepwolved in our threads

I move we replace regblue with the new and improved lighblue.

/vote regblue
Confirmed scum

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