54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hilarious one liner

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It’s a conspiracy. Shhhh. You’re all getting modkilled for leaking .:stuck_out_tongue:

With a newspaper or an actual hammer?

Also, what conspiracy?

okay so ummm basicallly if any conspiracy requires more than like 10 people to work it dosen’t exist

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What do you mean? I never talked about a conspiracy.

What about 9 and a half person

what if the people are actually sentient robots that are capable of perfectly undetectable lying?

i.e. the people required for the conspiracy, not the actual visible people i mean

then we’re already fucked, but I choose not to believe such things because I’m in on it

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like, not the figureheads




What if some people are aliens and I am 1 of them

Long story short, the Nazis very easily could have caused the Reichstag fire and probably did but the Moon Landings aren’t fake

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the real conspiracies are for what they did/did not find on the moon, not whether or not they went there

It’s possible that they did find something up there, but I doubt it. We’ll see.

Made a base and mined moonium

honestly the only thing i can think of with a shred of plausibility is that theres some red flakes in the surface that either dont show up on camera or are that small, so that while landing the moon looks kinda pink but from earth or on the surface it looks white

must… resist… urge… to post…


You’re our guinea pig, we must discover what Priestess’ wrath is.

Post something in there.