54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Azur Lane.

Quickly runs.


please no


FGO is trash, FEH is trash ahahaha

Says the man who gets an Altera Dupe in Musashi banner, so much for rainbow circles and golden saber card.

I got Xuzang from the banner and 4 star assassin twice

Never got Archer Inferno or Musashi

End of the month as Penthsilea as a focus

Which is who im gunning for, cause yeah, shes one of the best zerkers in the game.

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Next month has first hasan back

Which is lit

azur lane


FGO will go under a meta switch when Anstasisa happends in april

cause, Skadi makes Quick broken, and there are breaker bars, so versatility becomes the meta.

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Doesnt suprise me coming from you.

whats wrong with me?

Azur Lane!

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Should I make a class card thread for the SFoL setup I’m working on right now, or wait until it’s finished?

You can do one in your DMs, and then make it public later (I think you can? Idk anymore what non-mods can… :eyes:)

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Oooo ahhhh

It’d be really fun to host a Halloween-themed game but the quene is so full it’d never start in time sksk

Good idea, I’ll (try to) make a Halloween-themed SFoL for next year.

Fun fact

Berserkalot is the best 4 star servant in japan

Any mod got any way to lift these annoying restrictions?


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only way is for xblade to change perms or to grant u more perms i think

I can’t edit or create any more DMs.
This is hurting my turbo hosting. RIP.