54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Should we represent f

We need to choose what setup we want to play in



we represent hypixel of lies


My favorites from scanning through the setups are the custom closed ninja and guns and poisonous 17

Ninja and guns let’s go


Should I actually say Hypixel of lies

I should probably make the account before signing actually I’m not on my computer @Kirefitten can you make the account

Attention ppl:
Return of the BD IV is coming in mid-december. It will be an identical setup to Return of the BD III. Not going to open signups until mid-late November and then they will temporarily close even if the game has yet to fill while im doing finals in early December

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I’m not on computer either

I’m on computer now

One second

@Kirefitten imma just say fol

I was planning to do a setup on L5R like I said before
I was thinking on having some groups of classes and that players could choose which group they wanted to be, but not the exact class for them to roll inside that group
Groups would have some specialization of sorts (like one group having more offensive abilities) but not guaranteedly

is that a good mechanic

Give me access ree

Evil King Best King
