54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

why kind of people DO read those

serial killers?

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Probably mentally unstable people

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If you are feeling the urge to read the terms of service before clicking the box, please call this hotline. Reading it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

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unrelated note

does anyone have an undertale steam code

Have you NOT played Undertale

no i don’t feel like buying it but i’ve wanted to for months now

i just cant put in the effort of actually purchasing it

have you watched people play Undertale


if you haven’t buy it

If you have don’t

i also kinda want untitled goose game


Why do people like that game so much

you know what’s a really good game people should buy?

what made it popular


(jchlatt and pewdiepie)

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YouTube is a get rich quick scheme

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im going to go buy undertale and then play it

throne of lies