54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

cultist simulator, costs $5 tho


I am become brazilian sufferer of inflation
but no way it is $5

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I played it like for 30 hour plus then I couldnt progress Cuz I didnt do something in Start And I was like yea no

Nice pfp

i have it on my phone, it’s $4.99 (plus tax if ur not already tax exempt) :^)

by Steam’s price it should be 18 US

just checked, cultist simulator on pc costs $19.99


mobile is cheaper i guess

They pay you 15 dollars for playing that on mobile

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what? they do?

what are y’all doing for halloween

Watching friends get drunk while I slowly realize something my friends do frequently I cant partake as I need to get myself home at the end of the night.

While playing smash brothers

i plan to live in a society this 31st

bruh i thought u were underage tbh

i thought u were like 16 or 17 or something

Nah 21

r u dressing up as the joker :thinking:


damn, i suck at guessing ages lol

maybe u can drink with ur friends over the weekend if one of them can take u home?

boomer spotted

didn’t use the perhaps meme

Nah lol they all dont drive and I live in a separate state and drive over to hang out

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since its 20 on computer and 5 on mob

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