54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

But still called as Reaper

So you’re reaping old people. :thinking:

so you are solics alt-er

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And the new

That was a good one. Nice.

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Uhhh I’m deathimmune…

so now we are allies

I’m neutral :eyes: let’s win together

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What if you

Wanted to go to heaven

But god said

The King has decided to Pardoxecute you

You mean Pardon’t?

I’m the servant of my Lord, and will follow his word of course.

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No, that’s Execute.

Uh… nixecute? Nayxecute?

Try again

Usually the neutral that carried me was Merc

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Then you think of something.

I’m the defender of the Neuts, including Merc of course


Decide Fate Pardo and Decide Fate Pardon’t

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