54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

walk it off silly

personally i have this weird semi-deterministic outlook on life.
so first its multiverse, every decision splits the universe in twain.
so, everything er do is predetermined by what universe we are in. because we are at the end of that super tree. we are in 1 universe.
except we dont know which universe that is.
put a human in a box with exactly the same starting conditions and they’ll do the same thing over and over again. repeat the universe’s timeline with the initial start in a certain way and everything will happen the same way over and over again. but we dont know where.
so free will is still a thing, from the sum of all human knowledge a choice cannot be summarily predicted, but it is still predicted by where we are.
we are essentially in a quantam superposition of all universes split by decisions yet to come, and until those decisions are made we wont know which of the 2 we’re in. but for every decision.

idk if this makes anysense at all but ive just straight typed for the last 5 minutes and im super tired and im not going back and reading it all now.


do you like tea

I think I’ve drank 3 gallons worth of milk this month
Does that count

Haven’t had tea before


Do you have tea sachets there or is it that no one on this household uses tea :’^}

Personally, i was raised catholic but don’t go for that anymore, and have kinda a simple view on death.

I guess my outlook on life and death can be summed up by the movie coco, which isn’t really great but it’s basically that people’s memories of you are what keeps your presence alive. So just do your best and if you fail, at least you tried and just hope someone remembers you.

also wtf geyde have you really never had tea?

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I just haven’t tried it before

Does God Exist?

probs not

Humans, like every living will pass on

the unknown is what terrifies us

we have no idea what happends to us when we die

so we have to live life to the fullest

that’s the reality I come to after 30 minutes…usually

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As someone, somewhere has probably said.

The things that men fear the most are the unknown, failure, and wasps, in that order.

but seriously fuck wasps


I agree with this statement on a physical, mental, emotional, and metaphysical level

I believe this is a computer simulation and when we die the The Sims launcher makes us a ghost
UNLESS the player has a mod of deleting ghosts (looking at you, NRAAS). THAT is evil.


Also fuck yellow jackets

I didn’t have time to work on Halloween stuff unfortunately

I’m not suggesting it for now then but for the future
Tea is like
but hot
but slightly tasting like the herb you chose


I’ll try it in the next week if I get the chance

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Just go with ‘the fact that people die is fundamentally wrong and we have an obligation to make everyone as close to immortal as we can’


okay maybe I’m weird

I like coffee more

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you can add honey to make it taste like honey and the herb of your choice.

and the only acceptable herb is peppermint

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