54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Mercenary please cease you’re creating more cats with human ears!

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I have 0 pets and when I prove myself a worthy human being I’ll get a fish because I feel lonely

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Get a cat they are best pet

I think I only have 5

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I’m in

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Oh rip I thought you had 6

The cat is a small carnivorous mammal.

The kitten is cuter miaaauwww

The uni has a lot of strays here and I love it

Especially the fluffs in psychology faculty

Surely you give them pats Dama


throws whole sausage

Yes I do

Katze agrees with me here

Kittens are cuuute but the early time is a bit of a pain especially if they haven’t developed that licking habit yet

Do your cats knead?

Anyone who accepts food is a weirdo

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What if someone gave you a cat


What if I threw a cat off a 6 story building :thinking:

It will survive, come at you and kill you.


I got a Double Barrel