54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why would you want to catch a deflect

no no no that’s a bad idea

Sorry mess with the chicken you get the Litten

It isn’t legal to have Minecraft pfp

It is illegal

Anime is banned on these forums

So if a mod changes your pfp to anime we can ban you?

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No I am unbannable

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Not if Xblade has anything to say about it!

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Sad noises

why sadd

How do you make a global time tag thing

Where it changes according to time zones?

Click the calander thing


Right next to the gear

it could be more easily written as a Turduckenailail-enailail- -duckenailail-enailail
its like a turducken. but it goes down to quail eggs and is a binary tree, that is, within each bird is 2 of the next smaller bird

Genji playing is addictive

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I have an anime pfp. Ban me if you can :stuck_out_tongue:

I thought yours was custom artwork

It’s fitting, yeah, and one of my colleagues helped me with sizing.
But it’s from Trinity Blood, an anime about… my favorite topics. Vatican vs Space Vampires.
My PFP is the anime version of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caterina_Sforza
I often don’t like anime artstyle, but this one is quite nice, even for non-anime fans, I think.