54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Yeah it looks good no anime tho

Well it has too many serious topics in it, most teens wouldn’t be interested in it I guess. I’m not a real fan of anime, even when I watch some from time to time, but this one was intriguing.

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image https://media.makeameme.org/created/you-were-the-5ad4ad.jpg


If you can’t fight them, join them :woman_shrugging:

We could team up and catch Litten


That would be evil and be going against your objective of stopping evil

Meow meow meow

Our one true goal is to contain hjasik so she can’t Thanos snap the forums

When have I ever OPPOSED this

Idk but I’m mad sleepy tho

Goodnight Litten



Why do I put more work into a school project if I’m working in a group then myself

Oh god.
Hja snapped my rp universe into non-existence. She erased it.

Screen shot or it didn’t happen

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I can do more than that
@Emilia tell him while I get the screenshot

I did nothing

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Hjaisk you wouldn’t ever do this, it’s bs right?

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Magnus why would you lie about hjasik

Did Hja erase the timeline?

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