54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

have you seen the 7/5 dragon that has - Deathrattle: Shuffle a candle into your deck that resummons this when drawn?

Also, they’re trying to make Hero Power Hunlter a thing
so that’s fun

Fortunately, they are making Hearthstone Auto Chess a thing, and that genuinely looks really cool.
Pity about Standard but oh well

In review, Nozdormu the Timeless is not busted, because it gives you 10 empty mana crystals. That’s why it’s so fucking overstatted- gives you a massive tempo swing in order to survive the quasi-millhouse that you’ve just given your opponent.

Then, because you’re playing Big Paladin, you absolutely destroy your opponent with some kind of ridiculous combo.

still really really good
but not overpowered

ok boomer

very well, person who was born during the baby boom

that is acceptable, person who is aged 60+ and was born post ww2 when there was a boom of babies

I just redownloaded hearthstone. I played like… a year ago
Lemme see what I got

I NEED that new Sylvanas card.
I love Sylvanas.

that’s not a new card
that’s always what Sylvanas has been
also you have them for free because of Doom in the Tomb iirc

Jake the point of the thread is for fun classes, Im sorry if Im for deleting this class because not speaking in thread other than 2 cycles would not be fun to me


I had my hitman class (from SFoL 00) deleted because it was not fun and it encited hate speech. You doing this isn’t helping.

All Im saying is not speaking is not fun. SO I would hate to roll this class. Thats my opinion on it

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Game changing classes are a part of GI

You hate it because it doesn’t fit with the ordinary game of FoL.

Or FM in whole yeah


>Becomes Sauron


Guess I’ll die



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Also join this