54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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need I say more


life is boring why can’t I teleport

Yay! Congratulations!

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bug spray


I might have convinced moth

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Not cold

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imagine being able to teleport

then imagine how much money you can make off contracts with the government


Imagine being able to bend space and time

I live in the coldest part of Brazil
the minimum the winter reaches is 3ºC here

isn’t as cool as teleporting dude

you know what would be cool

If everyone on mu became Sauron?

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That’s not even below freezing

the heck

ok brb

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you life your life over and over each time you die remembering what happened in the previous one

however you don’t remember your past lives until you are 18, therefore as soon as you turn 18 you continue your plan on bringing future technology into the past to eventually gain immortality

the amount of stories and day dreams I have is unreal btw