54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Even eeveebot is special.

(Psst, alt accounts are a violation of Global Forum Rule 7.)

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Pretty sure you need permission from Xblade.


I’m not making the alt for fm! I’m making it to help keep my setups and thousands of dms separate.

Per said rules, the forum includes some capabilities to automatically detect alts and may ban them automatically if detected.

That rule means people with more than one account unknowingly. (I think)
Also which bot is it?

Don’t share accounts and don’t create multiple accounts. No alts/dupe accounts. If our BOT catches you and bans you, we won’t unban it.

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Wasn’t STB an alt though?


At least, I don’t think so?

Or EndoftheWorld?

If I’m remembering right, someone in that group (might have been him) pinged incorrectly as an alt because he was sharing an internet connection with Luxy

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My device is dying -_-

yes but that doesn’t mean making alts is a good idea :eyes:

I said that!

I’m not doing it for fm, i’m not doing it for lols, i’m doing it for self-convenience and to lighten the weight of the forums.

Orange got permission from xblade

that rule was there before FM was a thing

it has nothing to do with forum mafia

it literally is just a rule there because Xblade said so

Xblade owns us all