54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean it didn’t

I won didn’t I?

how could that ever work

Yeh cuz everyone won cuz htm memed us

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But I wouldn’t of won if I didn’t give up.

Ez buss for credit

Actually copy and paste it lul

we’d still have won just slower

I’ll rather buss myself for town credit before letting y’all

Is what I basically said

but that’s dumb

Is it though?

I’ll often offer someone to bus me if I think the busser can pull it off and I’m in a weak position

I mean it’s funny that I would of won that way

too many people here aren’t team players

I mean I want to play tho :frowning:


that’s fair of course

you join to play. but never be openly opposed to the idea of being bussed. always consider it.



like I didn’t care in that game cuz it was a meme game but in a serious game I’d be kinda annoyed at someone refusing to be bussed even tho its prolly beneficial for the team.

Define serious game :thinking: