54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

FoL, mountanous and other basic wellknown setups like cop 9 are the only ones I really care about.

I obvs still try in other ones but I’m not gonna get that salty or anything


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*compared to how salty I get in the serious ones :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh hey, you got Wi-fi back.

Anything not hosted by anyone with a cat PFP.
(Minus Damafaud)
No :cookie:.

Wait this is a terrible idea

What is?

Saying that.

Edit it to say nothing but



I edited it.

Not the right way.

Read the fine print

I get it now. Thanks!

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There we go! Fixed it.

Can you actually read the fine print?

You know it’s a joke, right?
I am not changing my post. It still stands. Heck, Meme literally made a game called :man_shrugging:.


I do not stand by his game I was kidnapped to co host.

I will tell you why I do not stand by it later

Because I’m already creating an Emoji Mafia©?

Totally 100%

(It’s not actually that)