54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Would you rather play a VT that cannot win than a role that dies, but can still win?

That’s not the dichotemy

If your set-up has a role that cannot win, at the start of the game, it’s a fundamentally badly designed set-up

Grand Idea is Badly Designed. Not because of any particular role, but because it is possible to roll something that cannot win.

hosts can reroll things. GI can actually work well with balance taken into account

how about neither


You are basically saying hey my class is a little LESS bad then this horrible idea, that’s why it’s a good idea.

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Scum can die out N1, making it impossible for them to win. No amount of Rerolling will fix this.

and they can do things socially to prevent that.

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it can actually

both mine and marshal answer was right

they could do social stuff to prevent being shot by a vigilante, but if there’s a role in the game to kill every scum member N1 then reroll fixes it

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Yes, because all town vigis shooting them because they felt like it can be prevented

to prevent that… dont act scummy

Bulletproof Third Party Survivor Rolecop

Why would all town vigilantes shoot them unless they acted so scummy

Or hell, NK dies because they kill a player who impulsively kills them bypassing immuntiy. NK still loses.

This is why NK is death immune and the immunity bypass is something that should not be tacked on… easy.

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you should be proving why your class is fun to play not why all the other classes in the thread are unbalanced

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Strongmanning someone exists.

Strongman vig bad

let the host deal with balance

you should be focused on making a fun class