54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The knock off survivor?

No the cartoon about Chris McLean the best TV show host ever and Chef

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Contestants - Literally being killed by alligators
Chris - laughs.

Yeah I never watched Survivor, all I know is TDI

00:50 am oh god oh fuck I interneted again

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We’re getting close.

Still more than 500.

Don’t have to skip school to snipe it yet.

And it so happens I’m here.
Since the first cookie is mine, and that if anyone comes on attempting to snipe… using Discobot, I’m more or less likely to accidentally snipe the cookie again

You’re a little early, lol. Nobody’s going to post 500+ consecutive posts and risk a ban for spamming, just to get a cookie lol.

You’ll… be more than surprised actually. I remember me and Livicus spamming the thread for quite a bit (though around 100 to 200 iirc) for that cookie. We did use Discobot, so thats kinda cheating

You called?

@discobot fortune

will I get the cookie?

:crystal_ball: Outlook good

So then…

@discobot quote

gimme something to work with.

:left_speech_bubble: Wit lies in recognizing the resemblance among things which differ and the difference between things which are alike. — Madame de Stael

Damn, this is deep.

@discobot fortune

Is this cringy as hell?

:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

Alright then, you are my imaginary friend of the day!

@discobot roll 1d3

1 - I shall stop spamming this thread.

2 - I shall keep spamming this thread.

3 - You shall keep spamming this thread.

:game_die: 1

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Why did you put my tyranny reigns to an end?

@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now

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