54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hi Lit how are you

Aw nice

One of which i live in.

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has a desperate need to go out and see places

Pick a place you want to visit
Find a college you would consider attending
Tell your parents you want to visit that college


big brain

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Is it weird I really want to go to Antarctica just to say I’m been there

What was the worst experience of your life?

Oh probably going to Antarctica.

I mean, not really. But only scientists live there.

Time to go into whatever science you need to go to Antarctica

I’d rather go other places tho

Egypt Greece
Anywhere South America Singapore
Mount Everest/Himilayas (not to climb just to see)

Boy am I ambitious

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You forgot one.

Is deltarune good or is it underwhelming after undertale


What’s stopping you?

having no money
being in highschool

Get a job

Go during summer holiday

working on it
good plan

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Deltarune is really good.

  1. Full chapter
  2. No obvious bugs
  3. Secret Boss

However, it’s going the opposite way, so instead of UnderTales’ your choices matter, it’s instead your choices DON’T matter. Still, engaging story. You can get it free online. PLAY IT.

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Good, lit how are you?

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The Sheer contrast between Undertale and Deltarune and the paradoxical nature of what happened makes it worth buying

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