54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

hold on I need to find a quote from Undertale

Watch this before playing deltarune @sulit

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should of thought about that before posting something even borderline NSFW @Marshal

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no FK please imma bout to be banned :frowning:

You know what i’m gonna try something i’ve never done before.

we can’t get banned

we have Luxy

as long as we only occasionally break the rules we won’t get banned

Like for you to be banned you would have to get a moderator to ban you or Xblade himself

both which are pretty much impossible unless you are trying to get yourself banned

@xbald u are boomer

I know from personal experience as I literally pissed off a moderator once and marl was my knight in shining armor and I didn’t even know it until months later when he mentioned it

I remember you saying you were banned for a day for calling hippo an ignorant slut.

that was the other way around

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ah yes, it was.o

Can’t believe someone take CoI serious
Please tell me it’s not serious


Now I demand context

Imagine being banned for speaking the truth

It is serious :3

in FoL 18 hippo called FK an ingnorant slut(great office reference) and got banned for a day.


Come to Singapore, where you can walk out at 3 in the morning and still be safe and have no worries of any attacks!