54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was going to say something of another kind that has to do with mechanical solves but I realized that it was simply the competitive kind in different clothing, so I suppose my point is instead that the competitive kind of fun comes in many shapes and sizes, different for each person. For some this is making good reads and getting lynches/mislynches, or for others this could be making a logical/mechanical deduction that no one else made, and using it to give your team an advantage. The thing is that the fun comes from someone using their strategy, and doing it to their team’s advantage, or even just doing it well, even if it doesn’t end up helping their team. It’s the fun that comes from developing any skill and doing it well
I play for this kind of fun, I just get it in a different way, or at least that’s the idea
I still aim for my team to do well, mind you. Winning is just the goal for which to use your skill

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So, in terms of seeing this conflict in a more played out scenario, I direct you to the friendlies vs tryhards conflict in tf2

new person spotted let’s bully them

Trying dennys for the first time ever

Lol I took 3 of the four 3d printers at my school to print for my final. And another person in my class was like you shouldnt have done that. I’m like idgaf I need them printing and considering I have had like 3 prints fail I need these prints to catch up plus I live off campus

Also like printing the master sword and hylian shield. Will send some pics later

I’m way too happy and I’m scared


I’m getting a sense of fulfillment from trying

It’s because I’m not talking on this forum



He who flies foo close to the sun will eventually plunge into the ocean

Thered be nothing left to plunge

How would you know, have you ever flown too close to the sun?


Alright fair point

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You know, people say that, but they leave out the part of the myth where Daedalus warned his son not to fly too low lest the water weigh down his wings and cause him to drown

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I’m not stressed even though I have 4 tests this week

I said this because I was thinking about I forgot their name but like an inventor made wings to escape someplace in mythology

You mean Daedalus

And his son was Icarus

His son @Icibalus

I didn’t forgot I purposefully ignored it

That’s what all good new sources do after all if they want to push a narrative

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