54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

enjoy it while you can before something comes along and stomps on it

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that’s right, after my wings melted i was raised by mermaids
I got my nickname “icibalus” after rumours spread throughout the undersea world
I prefer not to talk about that bit


fun fact: did you know that atmospheric temperature gets LOWER the higher you get up?!?!?!?
fun fact: did you know that still causes wax wings to fall apart and plunge you into the sea?!?!?!?!?

let me tell you
you do not want to try and fly using frozen wings
trust me

I don’t need wings to fly :smirk:

good, that means you don’t have as many father issues

You know Daedalus pushed his nephew off the necropolis?

how the fuck do you think we ended up in the center of a labyrnth with a FUCKING MINOTAUR in it

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I have Thoughts on how people use the myth of Icarus as a ~cautionary tale~ to get people to repress their potential but I don’t think anyone actually wants to hear them

Because Poseidon and Aphrodite cursed Minos.

it’s a bit more complicated than that

you know the thing about the hyperrealistic cow suit right
definitely my father’s third dumbest invention after wax wings and that fucking conch


greek myths are a fun time

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Yeah, I know.

He made wax wings with what he had, over months.

doesn’t excuse the fact it’s a stupid idea smh

The day he and Icarus escaped was the day he was going to be executed.