54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


if I don’t have to worry about my college’s rules about double-counting requirements I think I only need two more courses (beyond what I’m taking this quarter) for a math minor? that sounds super doable if I decide to go that route

it depends on how they end up resolving the lin al requirement but I think that’s accurate

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Arete which state do you live in

I don’t think other states laws but I know Georgia has a very great college scholarship

easy life

I’m going to college in Illinois but I’m from Minnesota initially and I’ll be going home over winter break

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My college meets full demonstrated financial need so I’m basically okay in that regard

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Do you have to pay it back later?

Because like I would be Legitimately scared of debt in other states that aren’t Georgia

The policy on student loans is more or less ‘we try to make it so that you don’t have to rely on them, we acknowledge that this isn’t going to work perfectly for everyone, if you do decide to go that route here’s how to avoid anything super predatory’



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basically they screw you

Math degrees are awesome. Take the limit of your knowledge and approach perfection.



there’s a class on Florentine political thought next quarter, I’m not sure if I meet the pre-reqs but it sounds really interesting

…possibly this is just because I have weird interests but that’s not the point :eyes:

Go for it :wink:

Idk what ur pfp is but I like it


Since we both already passed of schoolyear, me and my friend are just beating ourselves in math exercises all classes the entire mourning :’^}

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I take this as a compliment.

ok whats the opposite of nerd, magnus ur a

Yeah i’m totally a slacker. It’s not like i’ve got plenty of miscs going.
. . .

Those aren’t perfect antonyms.