54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also I’m counting Romeo and Juliet as a comedy

I probably should have made that clear in the previous post


i hate him with a burning passion as being forced to read his shit makes me hate his shit

no fuck you my hate for shakespeare cannot be stopped

No boomer

I acted in midsummers night dream and it was fun so suck it kai

If Kai posts one more time hes confirmed boomer

Okay Gen Zer


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90% of the players are fucking pointless

it revolves around dae magic juice which causes men to fall in love with gorl

oberon is a bad character

titania was bearable

bottom gets annoying after a while

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shakespeare is bad and you should feel bad if you like him

God don’t you hate insufferable kids on discord who you have an argument with and they say ‘did I ask’ like shut the fuck up

also you can dislike Shakespeare without disliking every form of poetry he ever used

Kai give me a topic

yes but i played lysander and me and the demetrius actor both actually had a thing for the helena actress so our acting was pretty convincing for that scene


alexandrine verses and alike work better on latin-based languages

gay casting porno


…give me a topic that I can talk about on the forum

Kai, no nsfw

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