54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i got it

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oh boy more technoplane


I should invent an easy to use high quality printer
Cheap ink that doesn’t scam you
and then make a lot of money off of it because everyone will buy my wonderous printers

says as I’ve spent an hour trying to get printer to work

i need this essay pleeeeasse

Just think of it guys

Sulits Printers

I will get rich

Buy my slightly cheaper ink that you can use for longer

That’s unfortunatly not how printer companies work

They sell printers for cheap and they make the actual money selling the ink

there’s a reason no company does that because it won’t work in the long run

Shh I’m going to sell ink for 5 dollars left and brainwash everyone into buying it because slightly cheaper prices

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They’ll never know

And my printers will break only slightly less often

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I’m going to write an autobiography about how I took over the world with printers

Can I co invest into this company


I’ll give you a dollar for 50% of the profits

I’m willing to barter here about how much profits I can get from this


yes totally

Name is now Sulit and Co Printers

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It should be Lit&Lit’s Print


Oh my gosh yes

I don’t have a printer yet. :thinking: