54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot roll 1d50

:game_die: 39

i’ve learned how to hack disco

why does off-topic appear in my feed now?

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Dunno lemme try

idk but its great please dont remove it again


Class is too boring… help.

I wanted to put this here, but it got lost in forum quotes, so watch this;

It’s programming classes but we just have to type whatever the teacher types, so we’re not actually learning anything because we’re just copying from him.

Besides, it’s so easy and I already know everything he’s “teaching” anyway.


I promise you it is both the funniest thing you will ever watch and very majestic.

That’s dumb

Reminds me of Spanish class

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I’m just gonna do some tectonics, at least that’s somewhat useful, to train logical thinking.

I’m going to actually pay attention to class

even if we’re not doing anything I mean what

You do you, good luck with not starting to daydream.

I’m just gonna… not do that, I have to keep posting though, to make it look like I’m actually programming.

At least it’s just 23 more excruciating minutes.

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goes to hackertyper.com


Just 3 more minutes. Freedom will soon be mine.


Yes, full sentence.

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