54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I believe

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damn robot fighting has come far

Those are clearly Elainoqaurts from the Delinqa sector.

Blue Dragon: We’re unbeatable!

Game: https://forum.mafiascum.net/viewtopic.php?p=11411709#p11411709


What code
What language

C# in Visual Studio.

Should I give in to black friday madness consumerism orrr

be frugal and stow away more money towards paying off my student loans…


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I don’t get why people are so obsessed with black friday.

It’s obviously just to get you to buy more than you need just because it’s on sale.

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I do know a little bit but you should have more experience in coding c# than me XD

Also Frozen 2 is quite the nice musical

I already have what I need regardless, this is about wants now vs later. :upside_down_face:


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There is very little what you actually need, I don’t own a TV for instance, but they are honestly not that expensive if I buy a cheap one. :thinking:

What do you want to buy

Nintendo Switch
Computer Display

are what I’m considering.

you can use phone or computer instead of cheap tv

I know I can, that’s why I don’t need one…

My laptop is “expensive” and has a big screen, but it’s not that big.

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I do know someone selling their tv. But you dont live in Singapore so >_>


It’s a 55 inch TV

Who watches tv anymore wtf