54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute




end me

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rip hobart

Who’s hobart


King for another day tournament

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Like counterclaiming a fakeclaim is literally anti-ev

That’s the point nerd

The point of anti claim is to stop massclaim

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It’s really not that hard to not claim guys

Might be because 3:30 after writing an essay but that looks like I would hate it but Marl would love it
And I’m going the fuck to sleep

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Why would you hate it

Unnecessary claiming by more than one player despite known claimvig existing
De/Activator being in the hands of a dumbass could throw game for v

aka it’s less that I would hate playing it, it’s more that the experience of playing it would be heavily dependent on what a few people decide to do since the setup can be blown up if people don’t play smart

Could work on MU fine, but needs a lot of testing

Mainly has to do with vig living in a society

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Also I’m looking back at it and I just think why