54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Why not


Why is there doc/roleblocker/vig
The setup seems balanced around vig while being designed around the activation / deactivation mechanic

What even is the point to mafia

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Why do we exist

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Oh this is way better

Mafia is a congregation of adults with similar temperaments that follow a “mafia boss” in order to assert dominance over the rest of the lands

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Wait a friggin minute
Why the fish do the bad guys need to hide from the good guys

I understand
Am enlightened

Because they have social anxiety

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No wait

The good guys are actually the mafia and the bad guys are the undercover cops

Holy shit its a revelation

Mafia have no reason to hide
They strut around the place getting their monthly payments

Holy shit its bigbrain time

But killing people is evil
FM is just a multiball game with no good faction

The law is corrupt and we know it lmao

: )

Because doctor is fun

Roleblocker is fun!

lol roles!

But yeah doctors are meant to prevent mafia from killing strong towns early on, Roleblocker is meant to confuse a lot of people with their actions. Roleblocker is ANTI TOWN however it can stop mafia kill


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