54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m in class.

how much longer in your school day.
ill time you

2 hours.
Getting home in 3.


I’m not watching it at that time.


this is a bit over 3 hours from now.

I’ll watch at 2019-12-03T10:00:00Z


Aren’t we welcoming… :upside_down_face:

Anyway, welcome to this community :wink:

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Oho another one falls into the midst

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Thanks insanity, I hope to have good time here :slight_smile:


Anyone who want to see who stodli is and wants to laugh at the sheer commitment of his joke

Anyway, he’s part of a group called Flow Omega. If you listen to orange talk, you would know who this group was.

Anyway if he does actually play a game here, which I don’t know if he will, it will certainly be interesting to watch.


I summon thee!
What’s this Flow Omega Thing? Please tell us!

Anyhow, as we wait… as of Shurian customary customer service…

Have some popcorn! Be sure to enjoy your stay here in our forums! That thread was certainly fun to read, and I hope to see more of you (in a certain category but you’ll probably never touch it).

Hmm… I just need to find an appropriate picture. First, do you like anime?

so, based on my brief observation of this (ugh MU),
he looks like a version 2.0 of memesky, kinda?

They are simon 3.6

Flow Omega is a discord group where they play mafia and other games together. It’s also the hub of an original game the server admin created. Nice to see you are interested in Flow I can get you an invite if you want, it used to be open to anyone but I believe they switched to invite only because some villains raided the server.

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if this post has an odd number of likes in 24 hours i change my pfp back to normal
