54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

also there’s no option for ‘I have passed quizzes by remembering the relative order of different topics in my notes and the physical location of words on the page and solving from there, but also it took me nearly a semester to learn the name of my math teacher in seventh grade’

how did you get insane dex btw

I dont know I just answered what I believed in
Apparently I like DEX instead irl

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I don’t remember names but I can tell pretty much exactly what makes a lot of my friends tick

on all of the community based ones I was like

I don’t even hang out near my local community
Fuck yall I don’t give a shit

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  1. I use the force of my personality…

…to get what I want.
…to guide others in making the right decisions.

these are the same answer

fight me

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They aren’t
I know this because obvious reasons

  1. It is better to…

…defend the weak.
…help the poor.

I’m pretty sure that the relative cost-effectiveness of anti-malarial treatments wasn’t supposed to be what this question was getting at

I mean
it could be taken that way

defending the weak is objectively worse since helping the poor directly assists your ability to defend the weak

Because those groups are basically the same thing

U defend the weak but u dont help them
Mmm yes

  1. You have two job offers. One pays more, but the other is secure and steady. Which do you choose?

once again I’m pretty sure ‘but how many malaria nets could I hypothetically buy’ is not what this question is trying to measure

What the heck

why am I chaotic this time???

I’ve never gotten that result before

I confirmed for myself what lucrative means
cool beans

Chaotic Good Elf Wizard (2nd Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 9
Dexterity- 9
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 20
Wisdom- 9
Charisma- 12

Uploading: Screenshot_2019-12-05-11-47-12-40.png…

holy fuck that int

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I am only level 1

not loading

The instructions said that if you weren’t sure you should choose the higher option :upside_down_face: