54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

4 v 12 is balanced here tbh

also removing flips makes it much more unbalanced

3v13 without flips
Would it work? I dunno XD

no one likes flipless games as well

I’m thinking about trying to find out a way to host this on MU and all I think I need to do Is ask the person who made modbot if they are able to create miller as a modifer instead of a role

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Oh if its on MU then run the first part but replace one mafia cop with a mafia godfather

All town can check, and this “confirmed town” can’t check.

But then it sure is more fun and more to the game identity if u dont put the godfather.

no the whole setup is involving having COMFIRMED TOWN

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Reply to Fk, Hja, not me
I’m not the FM expert
Im just an old geezer where FK has surpassed in terms of mafia ability


Without the confirmed town aspect

The game is less fun and more heavy.
Firekitten intends this to be a fun game

Thus, its about town keeping their heads together to weed out the bad people through their results.

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How about it revolving around GF And miller

So there is less room to outplay

If town needs to think


But I dont think it’ll be fun for Maf GF as well

Yes. It’s less room, but not like scum need that much room if its 4v12

Well having more room sounds What fun is

lavina is acceptable, but I don’t approve of people playing Azorious in general

For you
Most people like being constricted like the masochists they are.

That’s just inverse cop 13

Icibalus judge this

Hidden Among The Crowd (0/16)

12 Town
4 Mafia

9 Miller Town Cops
2 Town Cops
1 Tracker

2 Mafia Cops
1 Roleblocker
1 Mafia Goon