54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it
I’m just saying that ultimately no one will prove any point to the other
so no reason to get mad and use CAPS on it

I scaled my tone when I entered the thread and I’m sorry for that

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we live in a society


also forgot you seemed aggressive when you aren’t


I have summoning sickness sorry


Not sure i can do today actuaully sorry

fuck, should’ve ran Rythmn of the Wild

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but don’t worry that’s fine, i’ll wait until you’re not busy

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My life is going to repeat we are all in a simulation that repeats itself

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okay so let’s get into this discussion

what makes us exactly, us?

Is it the way our brains are formed? If our brains are formed the exact same way, are we us? Is it something else that makes us, us?

the way our brains are formed can’t possibly be it, because you can’t control two people.

So if there were two identical brains, obviously one isn’t you. Which means, that brains don’t make you, you? Right?

Memories and formative experiences
It’s far less how you were created and instead what made you what you are now

You can also lump in ‘relations to other people’ in that
Given that some people are labled popular kid, lone wolf, etc

Yeah but like, the question I’m asking is.

Let’s theoretically say that the universe keeps expanding and then crashing back itself in an infinite loop.

Eventually, since it’s an infinite cycle, we must get back to a similar scenario here. Are you still you?

Idea: Go to Starbucks
Say your name but with a random letter.

Ex: I’m Jake with a t
Them: wut

they probably would just write “Jake with a T”


ultimate meme

If you think about it, it’s such a scary thought. The most scary thought is having everything repeating but you forgetting everything.

and then you think about it more and realize how less scary everything repeating would be if you knew it would repeat and there’s nothing you can do to stop yourself from doing the actions you first did

physically, mentally, or spiritually? they all have different answers.