54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Forums broke.

Understandable have a nice day.

hello, forum?

forum machine broke

understandable, have a nice day


I kinda want to play some riddle game here

How 2 play Mafia:

1: Invent Imaginary Crime.
2: Scumread any who break it
3: ???
4: Profit!

Welp, frick it, lets just play it now.

I am going to give you guys a scenario with incomplete story detail, you guys then should proceed to ask me anything related to the riddle below, and then guess what the complete story might be.

There is no limit on how many question could be asked, nor how many attempt you could guess the complete picture behind the riddle.

So yeah, here we go.

The riddle is: Turtle Soup.


A blinded person walked into a restaurant.
That person then proceeded to order a turtle soup.
After the blinded person has tasted the soup, that blinded person then asked the servicer:
“Is this the taste of the turtle soup?”
The servicer replied with:
“Yes, indeed, it is the taste of the turtle soup.”
After hearing the word of servicer, the blinded person then proceeded to leave the restaurant.
By tomorrow, the blinded person suicided inside their own house.

Question - What is the complete story that compulsed the blind person to suicide?

Rule -

  1. I may only answer yes, no, or not important to any question asked.

  2. If you know the answer to this then please don’t spoil it for the other people.

  3. Please don’t google the riddle, it ruins the fun.

Was he Master Splinter?


How did he read the menu

(I can only answer question with a yes or no or not important, so this question is .-.)

Was he gay


He suicided Cuz he was dissapointed in taste of turtle soup?

(But you are getting close there.)

@Hippolytus when will you next be avaliable for Brawl?

Last Team Standing

20 Players
15 Town
5 Mafia


1 Mafia Arsonist
1 Mafia Bomber
1 Mafia Poisoner
1 Mafia Vigilante
1 Mafia Doctor

1 Town Fire Fighter
1 Town Bomb Defuser
1 Town Poison Healer
1 Town Doctor
1 Town Vigilante
10 Vanilla Town

Arsonist-Choose to either douse a player or ignite all your doused targets. Players who are doused can only be saved by a fire fighter.

Bomber-Each night place a bomb on someone. The next night that player will explode and all their visitors will be killed unless they were visited by the defuser.

Poisoner-Each night fake poison someone and poison someone. At the end of the next day if the player who was poisoned wasn’t cured they will die. Anyone who was fake poisoned or poisoned will be announced to everyone else at day start.

Vigilante-Each night target a player to kill them. They will die unless targeted by a doctor.

Doctor-Each night protect someone from a vigilante kill.

Fire Fighter-Each night undouse someone and protect them from arsonist kills.

Bomb Defuser-Each night defuse any bombs on target player. Defused Bombs can’t explode.

Poison Healer-Each day target someone to cure them from poison.

similar to viva la revolution

I think mass claiming is actually a very dumb idea in this setup because there’s so many ways to die

This evening?

hippo how are you

Good good