54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I think there should also be a Town Poisoner, Bomber, and Arson.

It would end way too quickly then.

Also mafia need room in the vanilia town

There’s… 10 VT. I don’t think losing 3 of them would harm them.

If all the power roles mass claimed and we had those roles then that would leave the following POE of

7 VT and 5 Mafia. The chance of randomly lynching mafia there is 41%. That’s way too high for a chance of lynching mafia. You need to leave room for VT’s because if you don’t mass claim can break the game open. Why yes, people can mass claim right now in its current form, it’s too much of a risk since all the power roles will die very quickly due to there being 4 different types of kills and 5 town power roles, which can lead to mafia being able to have guaranteed kill power.

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Also giving town a lot of KP and giving mafia little room too little room to fake claim is a bad idea

You’re forgetting that the mafia could CC their town counterparts, and if they just decide not to help eachother, then they have the potential to gain lots of days.

You should never have a game where you force mafia to counter claim in order to win.

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Counterpoint: A Strong Town like that found in FoL needs to be countered.

This forces the Mafia to go 1-for-1 with a townie to get off the necessary mislynch, and even if they win the CC they’ll just be vigged/poisoned/lynched/etc. the next night-or-day.

FOL is semi open where you can claim any type of role. Here it’s an open setup.

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Does now count as this evening?

actually that is an interesting question
at what time does it actually become the evening rather than the afternoon? can we really say that one moment has quintessential eveningness and another dosen’t?

it’s occurred to me if I’m asking questions like this when I just have a cold that I should NEVER get stoned, because the questions i ask could only be accurately described as sanity-melting

There is no evening. There is only the void we call night. It happens around 8 or so.

well i mean obviously evening is a societal construct
but it’s relevant to this philosophical discussion of the nature of time because I need to figure out Hippo’s schedule

@discobot fortune
what is time

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