54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s not morally good to save them
If I have the cure to all the world’s problems, then why give it in the first place?

A sense of duty?
Wanting to be popular?

What dictates morals is a consensus of beliefs regarding the topic in question

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What actually matters is not being a hypocrite to what you believe

That’s pretty impossible to be honest. Humans are natural hypocrites.

It’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s just really apparent, and then people love to judge people based off the fact that they showed hypocrisy

Like in forum mafia for example. Search any game and you will find hypocrites.

If you have the cure to all the world’s problems then why would you ever not cure all the world’s problems??

woah woah woah. death is a virus that will eventually be stopped. but it should still be possible. i just dont want immortality without a way out.

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I more mean at a personal level
Make decisions based on what you believe is the right decision based on your beliefs

Like cheating on a test is “morally” wrong, but if you’re doing it in order to help your grade by all means that’s a reasonable decision

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Even that is hard.

For example, you can see me be a hypocrite in mafia academy dead chat. Jake and Marshal did the same thing, but I forgave marshal while making jake seem bad. I still think this way, and I can’t explain it.

any number of personal beliefs regarding accomplishment
personal vendetta

thats actually a bit different tho. thats singular immortality, where you continue to live but those around you do not
immortality for everyone, or at least for many people, would be a whole different ball game. it would essentially be like everyone is a frisk/flowey, able to remember everything through the metaphorical resets. they’d be able to keep changing, keep interacting

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You felt like Marshal made a mistake while Jake did something intentionally

As immortality rate increases, divorce rates skyrocket


like, my ideal, is that pain and death and whatnot still happen, but after you die everybody respawns.
unless they well and truly dont want to, not counting the effects of drugs, temporary threats/ whatever

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Divorce Lawyers are the real winners when everyone is immortal

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But if you could choose to prevent those problems with no harm to you

and you don’t do that

then you’re responsible for those problems continuing to occur

as a corollary to this I’m personally responsible for somewhere between ~1.5 and ~5 people dying

That’s really not their problem though.

but I’m not
It’s the people that made the mistakes in the first place