54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

plus their post was probably a joke

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fun fact, on numberphile’s video about that exact thing, someone put a new lowest superpermutation for 7, just in the comments, no fanfare

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and 2 months after that, someone found one for 7 exactly 1 lower than that commenter,
and they made it into a song, since there are 7 notes in an octave, and played it (on an automatic piano) in front of a large live audience

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well, a live audience, doesnt seem to be a particularly large audience

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I strongly disagree with the idea that immortality is in any way a good thing and that dying is in any way a massive issue

We talked about this didn’t we?

the legendary sidegrade

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alright well this was fun to come in to read


murder is wrong unless you think murdering is right, fine, or any other level of thing than wrong

well, dying is still bad, even if its not super massive.
plus, were it my ideal solution, it would force the issue of mental illness to the forefront, as that would be the main thing removing people from the world (get sick? just go to one of the government respawn facilities, and you’re good as new. did this person just stab you for money? yeah you’ve lost your wallet, but your still around to tell the tale.)
a lot of the medical industry would have to shift to other focuses, as life saving just really wouldn’t be much of an issue

Do I really need to purge this thread

No stop

Take this conversation to the cookie thread

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You have no power here demon this is the off topic section


If we take it to the cookie thread will you preserve the parts of it that have already happened?

Thread topic is still a topic

Please don’t, my insight have expanded by 1000x after reading through death and rebirth.

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If I ask pug and they say they are fine with this then you must keep it

Haven’t spoken to him for a while actually