54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

let them eat cake

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.

It definitely is when one moderator is too stubborn

I said it

this is…
somewhat applicable

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I gtg for a hour but I’ll be back

@discobot quote

well, im just saying that, should this escalate, you dont want to be the one everyone blames for the war of the moderators.

i dont think it would escalate, its just good practice

Fun fact

There’s a badge for having a reply of yours get 50+ likes

currently no one has this badge

what I’m saying is that you all should make 50 alt accounts and use them to like this here reply


This is an alt account. I will prove it by posting this on all of my other accounts.


This is an alt account. I will prove it by posting this on all of my other accounts.

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This is an alt account. I will prove it by posting this on all of my other accounts.

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Squid is going to fix it!

We did it @Geyde @arete

1 Like

saddest thing ive ever seen


This is an alt account. I will prove it by posting this on all of my other accounts.

oh it looks like its cookie time