54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

a classic


oh this was a question

this clearly means that capitalism good

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I was born in austin texas.

i was raised in austin texas.

I need nowhere but austin texas

i’m down to meet up irl if it’s to play crackapoly

But u cant get a good philly cheesesteak I bet :stuck_out_tongue:

oh hey how about that Epithet Erased and that Steven Universe Future

they have them at dominoes pizza

i have a personal vendetta against dominoes pizza but i like the cheesesteaks from there

Steven Universe was forever tainted for me by that horrible ending

Dominant pizza?

dominos pizza is actually the worst

Ooh speaking of meeting up. I am going to a convention in like February if anyones going to Katsucon in Baltimore

ok best pizza go go go

dominoes d tier


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i refuse to step foot in baltimore
that city is horrible

Pineapple pizza


for delivery pizza its okay

dead to me

i love dominoes pizza unironically but it broke me