54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I mean brand you fool

Yeah I cant fight ya there. It’s a shit hole. But like imma try my hand at cosplay

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you were already dead to me

Ice cream pizza


I respect that


aight but remember

pics or it didnt happen


Digorinos is a solid a tier
there’s also a nice local one here that does new york pizza which is actually amazing

tits with time stamp or gtfo

How do I undead myself to you :thinking:

you don’t

My favorite thing to do with pizza is
(only works in theater)
whenever someone says stupid shit, add a random condiment to the pizza
then try to actually eat it

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Uhhhh. Not really sure how I feel sending pics of myself. But like I might if I look good within 2 monthes. Which I doubt

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:pray: :sob:

you’ll know what to do when the time comes

i once put mustard on a pizza and enjoyed it unironically

it adds kick

I have this pizza place which i dont think is a chain but :man_shrugging:
called Giovanni’s. they do new york style pizza, with some other stuff since its a fancy place, and they dont deliver

Ranch and or hot sauce on pizza is solid

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I had hot sauce
Sugar packets
and mustard before I called it quits in order to not fucking die

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mustard on pizza is solid i agree