54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I assume there must be someone who likes it???

there’s another person I’m putting on my list of absolute psychopaths who statistically definitely exist, along with the person who eats the chocolate from the advent calander all at once in the 1st of december


In my most favorite novel series there was “mentioned” that there is some romance relationships.
But I think it was never more mentioned that… yea the protagonist was admiring the woman. And then they were married. And then somehow a child appeared

Maybe it makes sense if you’re neurotypical :thinking:

And it only was mentioned because both protagonists and their relationship were extremely important for the main plot

the mysteries of the neurotypicals remain hidden for now, but we will find them


One of the children in the series was referred to as the “hoax” by the community, because it was mentioned once … and I think it was mentioned a few hundred novels later again

gum on the mantelpiece
an understandable and honestly fairly writing mistake and one that people wouldn’t care about anywhere near as much if it weren’t for that weird thing people have with babies

Honestly the Gum is a classic problem and it’s one i’ve been trying to avoid with the writing i’m doing now, but it’s really hard to include lots of background details that are cool and indicate something without people being convinced they’re plot elements

I mean it was an important detail only for the characterizing of the protagonist, not meant as own protagonist on herself

The gum on the mantepiece is the problem where people take things which were meant as relatively minor details to be incredibly important because they misunderstand the author’s intentions. It’s pretty common, and most writers really can’t avoid it.

Also, people were convinced that they were going to be important because they were a child, which is amazing, because I think it’s ludicrous to expect a child to grow up quickly just so they can be relevant to the events of the plot.

(well the timeline of the series is about 3000 years, so the real problem was that the series advanced too fast for them to be relevant)

i stand corrected
but yeah, minor writing mistake that’s been blown way out of proportion
it is hard to signal that a child is unimportant to a plot after all

Yup :smiley:
Tell the readers that the protagonist has a child
Everyone will think they’ll be terrible important
That’s kinda a Mary Sue problem… just completely averted because they’ll be never referenced again

i get what you mean
the protagonist’s child has to be important because they’re THE PROTAGONIST’s child
of course they’re important
the rest of the MC may not have been a mary sue but if every person they touch ends up being important it gets ridiculous

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This also ties in with the whole “prophecied group of friends” thing which annoys me to absolutely no end.

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Writes real life love story

Teenagers avoid it like the plague


In any sellable plot…

“I am Baldr Gannary, the 13th Crusader of the 17th Generation Knights, son of Henry Gannary, who was son of Peter Gannary, captain of the Imperial Knights. You will do well not to underestimate me.”

In real life

“You’re weak. Young Whelp.”