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well, the thing is, from what admittedly little i know on the subject (and also to my before-coffee head) that can be enough for them to want to start a relationship, but if they continue it for a bit it should really develop better reasons than that
also, if you’d prefer a better in-universe explanation, i wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them were misattribution of affection.

i actually read a book that had an okay romance aspect to it. it wasnt the main plot, but it was closely tied to it and it had a good buildup so yeah was good.
that wasnt why i was reading it, so it was unexpected, but the book was not unenjoyable

wait people actually start relationships because they just like each other?

Oh yeah
Musicals are often written with a time limit

To write romance… to capture the essence of true romance with music and word play, together with the story is quite a challenge within the span of 2 hours or less…

It’ll be amazing to hear if you got any musicals to recommend that can overcome the above challenges and not fall short XD

i think so.
this is one subject where i have extremely low information, so like take my word with a grain of sand, you know?

sand because their grains are bigger than just salt and i still have enough confidence in my words that i want you to believe it even though i know you shouldn’t.

because you see, im just lucid enough to make a compelling argument, but tired enough to be reeeeeally honest

then why bother if nobody actually likes them and the love song is the weakest song disgustingly often

makes good ratings and its easy to advertise probably?

I am always honest in My arguments

How exactly would it be easier to advertise? like idk see why somebody would say, see a poster for Little Shop of Horrors but decide if they want to watch it entirely based on whether there was romance in it, which there unfortunately is

What I’m saying is that we finally need a story-focused game without any pointless romantic subplots, like the upcoming I Am Jesus Christ

idk who it actually motivates to go see the thing when they otherwise wouldnt man im just spouting what ive heard

you can see the exact moment the effect wore off

again, I will find the hollywood exec who keeps greenlighting this
and i will politely ask him a question

Quality pfp

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I dunno
Why bother kappa… Well, you won’t know until you try. Better to do something you regret instead of regretting that you didnt do something.

Love should never be portrayed as the strongest of the bunch.
Strong and overbearing love smothers the rest of the emotions, an unhealthy combination of delusions and obsessions.

There is strong love, but if a song needs to be more prominent, by stereotypical theories, love will never stand out compared to other songs, like of anger, sadness or even happiness.

Because any stronger love songs will be treated as R34 bait.

This is my opinion, but love is a quiet and rare commodity that should be cherished, and since there are so many types of love, to express them all in one single song is quite disrespectful to the emotion love. Even if it’s good.

And yes. Romance must either be the main plot or not at all. And I will not tolerate any Harems in my musicals

oh god

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i’m just going to leave all this discussion of what love is actually like behind because I have no frame of reference and just pretend you agree with me

also that’s not an excuse to make bad and boring songs and you know it

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Come play Fortnite with me then if Thats the way you thibk

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I did and have regrets but then its because 200 ms minimum aint for me

But have you tried with me? Cuz I carry means it will be much more fun

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