54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Time to get 4000 posts I guess?

It says 3000 post to cookie tho.

We have nothing left in life to live for :sob:

We can’t go back in time to get 3000 tho

Delete all our post

But deleting doesn’t work, it will still count.

that’s why the blue thing doesn’t match the link

We need a mod to purge?

Mod purges still don’t count I think

But maybe it does :thinking:

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You fools. You let Memesky get the cookie!

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Daily update 3

Sike you thought

it happened

40000th poster gets a cookie.

No u

Hey gang! Do you guys want to play Two Rooms and a Boom?

Wasn’t that a game?

It’s a forum game now! And you wanna join!

But it already happened right?

It’s a new one.

Daily update 4
Alright guys I’m over the hard part

Daily update 5
We almost done guys my flight is tomorrow

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