54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

My PFP is totally not related with my name

Mine totally isn’t either.

Same here

Mine sorta is, but not in the way you’d expect



I admire the effort


Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

FM setup:
Alpha and Omega are guaranteed spawns.
Alpha and their followers don’t know who they are.
Omega and their followers don’t know who they are.
There are no additional night or day chats.
At first I was thinking of making them spawn 50/50, but decided that that’s very very dumb, so spawns go with normal FM rules… I guess?


Town Sided PR

The Alpha :shield:

Well Of Knowledge (inf use): Choose a player. If they are a follower of Alpha they will be notified about this abilty.
EUREKA! (1 use): Kill your target if they are Omega.

Win condition: Successfully use EUREKA! or survive.

Mafia Sided PR

The Omega :shield:

Whispers of Actions Past: You will know whom Alpha is targetting with their abilities.

Decadence (inf use): Attack target player. If they are a follower of Omega you will stop your attack.

Win condition: Survive to see Alpha die.

Vanilla Townie

The Scientist
Followers of Alpha

Win condition: Eliminate Omega and their followers.

Vanilla Mafia

The Broken
Followers of Omega

Win condition: Eliminate Alpha and their followers.

PS. What’s the actual place to post this? :^)
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So… how many of each faction spawn?

Depends on what u want. If u want suggestions here. If u want it reviewed for play u would post the formatted version in the queue page. And if u really dont care post it during an ongoing game. Jk on the last one

I think its 1 and 1 for the omega and alpha and then depending on how many people he wants it’s usually gonna be about a quarter scum to the rest townies

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1 Alpha
1 Omega
Whatever FM uses for Townies
Whatever FM uses for Mafia


So how big do u want it 16 could work

numbers is a pretty big issue for a setup like this
I don’t think you can just slot a 10v3 distribution in it and have it work

Yeah, Omega isn’t exactly part of the Mafia and can easily kill his allies.
Like I said, I was thinking 50/50 for town/mafia due to the fact that they don’t know who is who, but I don’t think that’s correct.

Ok, so for 16 players, for example, you would have:

1 Alpha
11 Scientists

1 Omega
3 Broken

Alpha has a 1 in 4 chance of just randomly killing an Omega.

Does Alpha refund the ability if they fail to kill an Omega?
Can Scientists/Broken win if their leaders die?

No refunds.

Can Alpha/Omega win if their followers die?

look i think the setup will be pretty unfun tbh
based very heavily on chances and two parituclar guys and would probably be absolutely asinine for the wolves

Yes, their goals are unique. Treat them like Neutrals who the main factions want to eliminate.

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