54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

So, basically it’s Big town v Smol town?

That’s what I was afraid of.
What if this was a turbo setup? Don’t have to spent as much time on it then?

if you’re going to play a turbo you might as well play something competetive (Vig10, Cop9/13, etc.) or something that’s absurd bullshit (Bullshit In the Jungle Republic). I don’t think there’s really a place you can put this setup that would be fun?

Disappointing, but thanks.

I mean, this setup is essentially my idea of having 2 towns fight each other, but implemented badly.

sorry, I get what you were going for but i don’t think the proposed dynamic would be interesting

Perhaps if the killing ability would target a Broken, it would instead inform them that they are a Broken and cannot be killed.

Nothing to apologize for.
This was just a way to waste time.

Decadence (inf use): Attack target player. If they are a follower of Omega you will stop your attack.

That would definitely help. It’s like Eureka, but infinite. Of course, having a scumreaka seems to be good, as it is most likely to target members of it’s own faction.

I think if Omega was forced to just side with Omegas (As in, their wincon requires it somehow) then I think it would be a better game. Still not good, but we’re getting there.

Idea: Alpha has to find and kill Omega. However, they only have (Omega members/3) shots to do it.

a lover-esque key word, but each one must see the other die in order to win. they gain 1-time death immunity when they see the other one die. lovers cannot also be nemeses, and if they would be, both keywords are canceled out

and on this, game idea:

Lovers and Nemeses
semi-normal fm (or perhaps neutral showdown) where everyone has a lover and everyone has a nemesis, but they aren’t the same people

optionally, perhaps nemeses would be given a piece of info on their target, such as their classtype perhaps. something like that

Neutral Showdown, What a 𝔊𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢 ℑ𝔡𝔢𝔞


History of both both world wars, but to the tune of Baby Shark

Imagine the day this thread actually dies

would be a real sad day

the forum would probably be gone. we are all dead or have moved on.


like throne of lies will become irrelevant eventually

and idk if the forum can self-sustain

Will it be able to self sustain?