54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m serious, OASK is still open


Here it is, please spread the word


Is there anyway to disable this thing?

Black Joker Red Joker

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You have violated the peace treaty between Humans and Furries.

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You fool

Originality denied.

You absolute Jester

It’s jest a game bro.

You will pay for your mistakes

hey yall can you do this when you have a chance? pls and thank

play OASK

I actually have NO IDEA what that is.

Oops, all Serial Killers!

You’re a shoddy serial killer.


Anyone have suggestions for … things to do … over winter break? I feel like I’m spending a higher proportion of my time this break than I’d like to aimlessly browsing the internet.

i don’t have a plan besides aimlessly browsing the internet.

do you have hulu/netflix?

you can sink an entire winter break with those websites

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Netflix yes, Hulu no