54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

debatable. the definitions for life require movement, something not necessary to transmit data. we do not know if he is typing, only that he is producing data in the form of text.

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which theoretically could be from radio signals or something else which could be transmitted at will to form text by some interpreter.

im not saying he isnt sentient, he is definitely sentient, he just isnt necessarily alive by science’s standards

They require metabolism and gene recombination capacity achtually

For Jojos btw.

Missing Htm has been found! He was found dead but thankfully was revived from the grave!

(Idk why I wrote this, but I’m back now)


Welcome back!

I claim Retributionist btw.


Sup dad

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Yay youre back

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Welcome back! :smiley:

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I know I said this about a month ago but I’ll say it again.
It’d be really nice if a Minority Rule or especially a Behind the Mask was hosted as that’d be pretty fun and it’s been a while.
Also welcome back, man!


What is this?

There’s rooms that are good and bad and wacky and such
That’s all I’m gonna say for now. Minority Rules are fun to read and not too long, you probably should read one

Link me to one


This is the most recent one

Omg welcome back!

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We need another one of these

That was a fun af game that I somehow won with my cicada children

@FoLMods can we like, run this on the forums without your permission?

No u have to queue it

im p-retty sure it is a misc and misc queue is empty iirc