54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

say no i dare you

I heared from it a few times from school kids

do you play any type of game

oldschool rpgs like Baldurs Gate or similiar
some zoo or horse simulators
sims 3 :stuck_out_tongue:

what about katze

I’m not leaking :stuck_out_tongue:

Priestess, did you want me to EMP this thread :^)

take over the cookie thread please

a boomer is running the cookie thread right now we need ur help

you want to kill all electricity in this thread?

do you own any console

I mean, it just crash this thread permanently until I have deleted the bomb :eyes:

I have a Wii and an old Nintendo DS

ur actually a boomer wow

No thread crashing, unless you want to get a mute O_o
A friend of Isaac can tell you that its not a good idea

i got muted for accidentally posting in a thread so

I have learned the forbidden way of technique from Hjasik, our glorious bomb producer.


Ye that was a real rip
Wasn’t too long tho

it was 1 day

1 day = 1000 hours